Book reviews

I’ve had a deep love of reading since my mother read to me as a child. So writing book reviews of both fiction and nonfiction is a real pleasure. My views on reading now have been shaped by my time in library school at the University of South Florida, studying under Dr. Kathleen de la Peña McCook. Her emphasis on libraries’ mission to promote reading and reading culture has shaped the way I approach reviewing. My typical aim is to describe both the book and the audience that would best appreciate it, while keeping in mind the responsibility to curate and highlight work that promotes meaning and introspection.

Below are links to a selection of my reviews (organized by category) and author interviews.


A Higher Loyalty: Truth, lies and leadership. By James Comey. 2018

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. By Michael Wolff. 2018

Spain in our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939. By Adam Hochschild. 2016

The Witches: Salem, 1692. By Stacy Schiff. 2015

The Road to Character. By David Brooks. 2015

The Little Way of Ruthie Leming. By Rod Dreher. 2013

A Singular Woman: The untold story of Barack Obama’s mother. By Janny Scott. 2011

The Climate War: True believers, power brokers and the fight to save the earth. By Eric Pooley. 2010

This Book is Overdue!: How librarians and cybrarians can save us all. By Marilyn Johnson. 2010

Notes From the Cracked Ceiling: Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and what it will take for a woman to win. By Anne E. Kornblut. 2010

Louisa May Alcott: A personal biography. By Susan Cheever. 2010

Cleopatra: A life. By Stacy Schiff. 2010

What is the What: The autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng. By Dave Eggers. 2007

We the Media: Grassroots journalism by the people, for the people. By Dan Gillmor. 2004

Against Love: A polemic. By Laura Kipnis. 2003

Everything and more: A compact history of infinity. By David Foster Wallace. 2003


Conversations with Friends. By Sally Rooney. 2017

Speak. By Louisa Hall. 2015

Lila. By Marilynne Robinson. 2014

The Bone Clocks. By David Mitchell. 2014

Longbourn. By Jo Baker. 2014

The Son. By Philipp Meyer. 2013

The Interestings. By Meg Wolitzer. 2013

Caleb’s Crossing. By Geraldine Brooks. 2011

The Art of Fielding. By Chad Harbach. 2011

Home. By Marilynne Robinson. 2008

Author interviews

Deciding What’s True: The rise of political fact-checking in American journalism. By Lucas Graves. 2016

The Righteous Mind: Why good people are divided by religion and politics. By Jonathan Haidt. 2012

Policy and Evidence in a Partisan Age: The great disconnect. By Paul Gary Wyckoff. 2009

Then We Came to the End. By Joshua Ferris. 2007

Severance. By Robert Olen Butler. 2006

What Paul Meant. By Garry Wills. 2006

Last updated July 8, 2018